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How to Make Email Marketing a Higher Open Rate

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 8:38 am
by kakuli
With the advent of the digital age, email marketing has become a routine means of promotion and marketing across industries. It is a way to directly reach potential customers, increase brand awareness, increase sales and promote new products. However, many companies find that their email marketing does not get a response from customers, that is, the open rate is not high.

So how can you make your email marketing have a higher open rate? This article will share several useful methods. Optimizing the subject of the email The subject of the email is the first factor that attracts readers to open the email. Therefore, an appealing theme can directly affect open rates. A good email subjectPhone Number List line should be clear, concise, attractive, and convey exactly what the email is about. Use specific keywords to grab the reader's attention etc.


Determine the right time to send Email sending time is another important factor that affects open rates. If you send at the wrong time, your emails will be flooded in readers’ inboxes, even though sometimes they may be ignored or deleted. The best time to send depends on your audience and industry.