Improve user experience

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Improve user experience

Post by Wade »

Therefore, URL redirection in the form of 301 is very important to improve user experience and help visitors find website pages that are relevant and suit their needs. 4. Redirect 301 can improve user experience on a website. This is because, by redirecting, website visitors will be directed to a new, relevant page. And of course according to the content you are looking for, thus providing clearer and more detailed information. In addition, visitors can also continue to have access to website pages even if the old URL is deleted or changed.

This is especially important for visitors who frequently visit the website and have bookmarks or links saved on their computers or mobile devices. By maintaining access to redirected website pages, visitors will feel Germany WhatsApp Number Data comfortable and will not feel like they are losing the information they need. That way, Redirect 301 will help increase visitor satisfaction and reduce the level of visitor complaints or frustration that may occur when they cannot access the desired website page. Also Read: Getting to Know SEO Link Building and How to Do It How to Do a 301 Redirect As you already know that Redirect 301 is very useful in maintaining the reputation of your website.


To perform a 301 Redirect, you can follow these steps: 1. Using the 301 Redirect Instruction in the Old Address Header Section The first way to perform a 301 Redirect is to enter instructions into the header of the page you want to move. In contrast to the approach using programming languages ​​such as PHP, Java, or other programming languages, in the redirect method you also need to have a page that will be the destination of the redirect, and this instruction is placed in the old page header section. By using this approach, visitors who access the old page will automatically be redirected to the new page.
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