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Essential E-commerce Seo Strategies To Boost Sales

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 3:10 am
by sharminakter5
Everyone knows that e-commerce is a BIG business… Once upon a time, e-commerce was all about Amazon and eBay. Now, with so many of these do-it-yourself e-commerce sites, the whole of e-commerce SEO is changing drastically. I read somewhere that there are about 110,000 e-commerce sites in English, from the top Alexa sites to a million. Faced with competition, how can you be sure that it is YOUR eCommerce site that will rise to the top? One thing that comforts me is that the e-commerce SEO strategies for most of these sites are abysmal. So there is still hope... I have compiled a list of some key e-commerce SEO strategies that can help you gain a clear edge over your competitors. I've broken them down into three key make it look simpler... Keyword research for e-commerce sites. SEO on the page. Technical referencing. Follow these tactics when building or rebuilding your e-commerce site…and you'll definitely end up with something that will bring in sales… What are we waiting for… let's dive in! Ecommerce SEO Strategy 1 - Keyword Research for Ecommerce Sites. Every 60 seconds, approximately 700,000 Google searches are performed. Maan. That's a lot of research! So, back to the starting poi . Keyword research. The average consumer processes approximately 100,500 digital words daily. Phew! With all this data, how can you be sure that customers find you in search engines? To reach your consumers, it is better to start with a list of targeted keywords. In an analysis of 3,000 keywords, it was found that 7% of the total keywords were lead terms and 93% were long tail keywords. Another bouncer! Check out this comparison of top terms and long-tail keywords across six different industries. While primary terms received 11x more traffic, average conversion rates for long-tail keywords were 4.

15% higher than for short-tail keywords. Let's stop overstating the numbers. It's obvious that Google favors informational content over e-commerce sites. which means more specific keywords with the right mix of content marketing will play an important role for strategies . referencing in the future. Step One - Free Keyword Analysis Tools. A while back, I did some extensive research and compiled a few keyword/SEO tools that I found useful for e-commerce sites. The two easiest and free tools are Google Autosuggest and Google Related Search Suggestions . With the former, all you have to do is type in your search phrase and Google gives you a list of autosuggestions below… With the latter , you re-enter your keyword phrase in the box and scroll to the low for related expressions. The other vouchers are: SEMrush is one of the best SEO and competition analysis tools . However, you need some expertise to get used to it. Plus, you only get a 14-DAY FREE TRIAL PERIOD. Just add the domain and just click on “Organic Search”. Besides keyword research, it has just everything you need for a successful SEO audit. Keyword Planner gives you so many keyword suggestions that search engines love it. Google Trends is a free tool that helps you check if you are using the right trending keyword. You can identify which of your keywords is trending up, and in which regions your keywords are popular, and in what period did they peak. Plus, GOOGLE CORRELATE helps you find out what topics people are interested in. And, GOOGLE LOCATION CHANGER, shows the SERPs for a particular local area, even if you don't live there. A huge help in weighing the first pages in local SEO campaigns. Ubersuggest : Type a keyword or product name into the search bar to get a flood of results. is another free tool that generates up to 750+ long-tail keyword suggestions for each search term. It also provides you with a phenomenal number of long-tail keyword ideas/opportunities, based on a single keyword. WordStream , is a free niche keyword research tool, making finding profitable keywords for any SEO campaign a snap with WordStream, Keyword Dominator : If you're marketing on the Amazon Seller Network, I highly recommend checking out this tool.

It's ah-massaging! Amazon Suggest: Similar to Google Autosuggest, but packed with great product keywords to target. Ahrefs Keywords Explorer , useful for finding very high converting keywords. Ecommerce Strategy 2 - On-page SEO. First step – Site architecture. If you're looking for an excuse to revamp your eCommerce website, this might be it. In other words, how you organize your e-commerce site is very crucial. Mainly because most e-commerce websites have millions of product pages. Site architecture allows you to map how the user flows through your website. As the owner of the website, you want the user to be able to quickly identify key pages and the relationship between pages. Here is an example of what your site architecture should look like: Below is an example of what your site ទិញមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យអ៊ីម៉ែលនិងបង្កើតបញ្ជីអ៊ីម៉ែលយ៉ាងឆាប់រហ័ស should NOT look like: A poor user flow experience with your site architecture can definitely hurt your SEO. You can see from the site architecture above, that the pages are excessively "deep". Link authority is diluted the further you go to your category and product pages. If you want to define your site architecture yourself, I suggest Balsamiq or Lucid Chart. Basically, Lt should take the user at most three clicks to get back to your homepage. Step Two - Build your navigation and site structure. Before doing so, try to map the whole process. Phase 1) Ask yourself these questions. 1) What search queries do consumers use before coming to your site? 2) What search queries do consumers use once they are on your site? 3) Which pages of your website generate the most traffic? 4) What are your main exit pages? Phase 2) Decide if drop-down menus are something you want to integrate into your navigation bar. Be sure to use HTML if you plan to use drop-down menus. Without HTML, search engines won't be able to find your navigation. Phase 3) Be easy with your links – MOZ recommends 100 links per page max. Phase 4) Use your short tail keyword to name your category pages. Incorporate them into your page title and header and include them in the first 200-word paragraph. Phase 5) Add breadcrumbs to your product pages to give users and search engines a boost because Google will likely display your breadcrumbs instead of your URL.

Ecommerce Strategy 3 – Technical SEO. Technical SEO is no longer just about sitemaps and meta tags. If you found your website lacking in technical SEO service, you will be surprised by inserting canonical tags and changing homepage internal links for the right content. You will find that technical SEO can improve just about any site, e-commerce or not. Let's take a quick look at some of them… Step One - Detect existing issues with your site. The first important aspect is to VERIFY your e- commerce website and identify any issues that need immediate resolution. I would recommend you to use Screaming Frog to find SEO errors and site audit. In other words, it's awesome. Screaming Frog is free to use and not only can you audit any aspect of SEO, but you can also; Redirect all 404 pages to the actual content, Change all 302 redirects to 301 redirects, and Update meta descriptions, meta titles, and any duplicate content pages. Screaming Frog literally identifies most of the 550 critical site parameters. It is not limited to identifying duplicate pages, errors, URLs, titles, content, Meta descriptions, redirects, missing header tags, images, image tags, sitemap errors and dead links, etc. It can literally crawl your site in minutes and provide useful information on technical SEO details. Step Two - Add catchy reviews. Eye-catching reviews will go a long way toward showing rich snippets in Google. Source: BrightLocal But then, how to set up these product reviews? Step Three - Implement Product Review Schema Markup. is very important for online businesses because quick answers and rich snippets now show up 22% of the time in Google search results . So, strive to include markup on your website. Leveraging schema tags will be the new skill to implement for both SEOs and marketers.

Below is an example of a rich snippet that reached the first page using product reviews. But remember that adding proper schema markup will only increase your chances of being chosen by Google for inclusion in the rich snippet box. That's all we can say about it! Of course, you can carefully try setting up schema markup yourself… but it's much easier with the Structured Data Markup Wizard, a free tool provided by Big G! Below is the method of using this tool to quickly implement Schema markup: First, head to the tool and choose "products" from the list of options. Next, find a product page on your site that has reviews and ratings. This can be a single reviewer or, as is the case with most e-commerce sites, user reviews. Paste the URL of this product page into the URL field and click "Start Markup". Then highlight the section of the page you want to tag. In this case, we'll focus on reviews and product ratings. If only one person has reviewed your product, choose "Review". Next, highlight the name of the person who reviewed the product, the date of the review, etc. If customers on your site have rated the product, highlight the number or star rating and choose "Overall Rating". Be sure to provide as much information as possible. For example, remember to highlight the number of reviews and choose the “count” tag. When you're done, choose "Create HTML Code". You can either copy and paste this new HTML code into your page or simply add the new Schema markup to your existing HTML code. Step Four – Use short, keyword-rich URLs. "Remember that short URLs tend to rank higher on the first page of Google than longer URLs." Image source: Backlinko If you're using filters (as most e-commerce sites do with 20 or more products on a page)…you'll probably need to be very careful with your URL parameters. And, most e-commerce sites have a slightly longer URL…compared to regular sites. Obviously, long URLs that span more than 50 characters confuse Google and dilute the keyword impact of your URL. [Check out this old interview with Matt Cutts] Below is a clear example of an unnecessarily long e-commerce product page URL… Also, being exceptionally long, it also contains unfriendly SEO terms such as (“productID.300190600”)… which will destroy a product online. So try to include SEO friendly terms in your URL and make it keyword rich. U It is very important not to copy manufacturer's product descriptions. This is a big mistake that most e-commerce sites make. You could even be penalized for duplicate content. So offer this UNIQUE. One-of-a-kind product description. Step Six – Catchy Meta Titles and Descriptions. It is also important to come up with catchy Meta titles and descriptions for product pages. Who have these unique short-tail keywords. This is one of the key aspects of on-page SEO. Step Seven - H1 Tags. Remember to always add an H1 header tag on every page. It should preferably be the same, if not similar to the Title tag. While the title tag is displayed in SERPS, the H1 tag is your title on the page. Step Eight - Switch to HTTPS. As e-commerce stores will usually have a number of forms that collect personal information from users…. It is good practice to ensure that ALL information is encrypted. So an eCommerce store is advised to change the domain from HTTP to HTTPS.

Before converting your HTTP to HTTPS, it is advisable to follow the steps recommended by Google: Google has also confirmed that there is an improvement in the ranking of sites with HTTPS settings. Brian Dean, dug deeper and analyzed about ONE million search results, and discovered that HTTPS settings and higher rankings on the first page of Google are very interconnected. MOZ's latest search ranking survey confirmed this claim. Step Nine - Create a sitemap. An XML (Extensible Markup Language) sitemap creates a readable format of your site for search engines. They curate a list of all your website URLs. If you're an e-commerce site with lots of pages, it's time to get familiar with XML sitemaps. You can use one of the good free sitemap makers available on the net. Finally, don't forget to ping search engines after creating a sitemap. You can do this by submitting your XML sltemaps to Google Search Console once they are complete. Step Ten – Website Speed. Research confirms that nearly 40% of visitors leave a site that takes more than 3 seconds to load! Your customers will probably go to a faster website, which could be your competitor! This is why it is IMPORTANT that your site loads quickly. If you need a way to test your website speed, use a free tool like Google's PageSpeed ​​Insights Tool . Image Source: KISSMETRICS Alternatively, if your website or blog is loading slowly, it's time to work on it. You can increase the loading speed by following the tips below; You can optimize images and reduce the size of your images (without compromising quality) using these FREE tools - TinyPNG and Compressor. You can use the FREE Gulpjs tool to remove unnecessary spaces from your JavaScript and CSS files. You can install the FREE Autoptimize plugin, in case you are using WordPress. Step Eleven – Optimize for Mobile. It's no secret that we live in the age of mobile and smartphones… this has had a significant impact on global search trends and the increase in device availability. I usually run Google's mobile-friendly testing tool, to make sure my site is mobile-friendly…so run your site through the speed and mobile testing tool below.

Step Twelve – Accelerated Mobile Pages or AMP. The increase in mobile usage has had a substantial effect on search trends. Throughout 2016, Google pushed several AMP-related actions for adoption… and it's becoming more and more accepted… AMP uses data, which is 8 times less than regular pages, and which are also 4 times faster than normal pages…thus loading pages faster. Alternatively, you can also self-validate with this AMP Validation post on the Accelerated Mobile Pages project website itself. Step Thirteen – Importance of CDN or Content Delivery Networks. Another area that stung me was content delivery networks. It has grown steadily over the past few years. E-commerce merchants use it to improve overall conversions and user engagement because it helps content load faster. Similar to AMP, the purpose of a CDN is to make sure web pages load faster and improve SEO as well. Fourteenth step - Backlinks could lose content. And finally, it has been reported that backlinks will continue to lose as a ranking signal in the future…as Google puts more emphasis on relevant content. So here we are... Conclusion. If the SEO strategy is executed well, you will not only see an increase in quality traffic, which will inherently lead to more conversions and sales. If you still think there are areas that need to be checked Run these TWO tools (Screaming Frog and SEMrush), They easily audit your site and identify any SEO technicalities… You can also check out this detailed list of 200+ SEO strategies. SEO, by David McSweeney, Blog Editor at Ahrefs. I thought it was definitely worth reading! One last tip… SEO is a marathon, not a sprint… so don't give up! If you have any questions or want to discuss any other essential eCommerce SEO strategies, feel free to drop a message in the comment section below.