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Europe are changing: discover

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 8:55 am
by Prisila102
You might be interested in "Online contests for companies and retail find out how to get started" Collect likes with photo and video contests Online contest If you wanted to embark on a path that leads to the creation of a prize competition to gain visibility on Facebook or Instagram, first of all, you should ask yourself what the purpose of the likes that will be collected is , in order to guide your project. After that, there are two types that can be useful to you in this field photo contests and video contests . The use of images and especially videos are excellent tools for increasing the diffusion of the contest on social media, even more so if users are encouraged to share them to ask their followers to vote for them . Consequently, from a practical point of view, the contest in question is divided into four phases the user uploads a photo, shares it on social media, asks friends to vote for it and whoever collects the most votes wins.

Manage social media optimally? Communicate effectively with the public? How photo retouching to manage a corporate social community? Practical tips for success. Download our guide Instant Win and lead generation Online contest In the context of prize competitions with a view to lead generation, the simplest formula is the one that involves filling out a form in different ways Instant Win By filling out a form the user will be able to find out instantly if they have won the prize. Rush and Win the user fills out the form to immediately find out if they have won a prize. If you don't win immediately you will still be able to participate in the final draw for another prize.


Giveaway the user is invited to fill out a form and through this action he will be able to participate in the next draw. The prizes can be many and of little value typically gadgets , or few of higher value, or even a mix of the two. They are assigned differently depending on the mode chosen. In this case, lead generation is particularly fruitful, because the user is asked nothing more than to fill out a form , enriched with all the fields useful to the company in terms of profiling. The form is inserted into a specific landing page or within any page of the company website/blog.