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Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 4:24 am
by visafib902
Especially when the reports do not end up in the hands of marketers readability should be the most important aspect of the document. Let's take a closer look at this tool the information a report must contain when it comes to digital marketing there is endless data that can be tracked. From the number of users who visit a web page to the shares of a social post everything can be measured. It's easy to get lost in this multitude of insights. What information is truly useful for your business there is no rule that defines what you should monitor and what you can ignore. You must personally define the kpis that you want to keep under control and which decide whether or not a marketing activity is effective.

Imagine for example launching a campaign on google ads to generate contact requests on your site. The number of impressions may be relevant data but the number of conversions and the cost per conversion are definitely Mobile App Development Service necessary information if you are supported by a communications agency agree which data is relevant to your business and check that it is reported in periodic reports . The “time” problem reports can be created in many ways. Some professionals download information from various platforms (such as google analytics and corporate social networks) and build a document that contains screenshots and data.


Others directly use third party platforms that connect to company assets and bring data together in one place. These methods are profoundly different and require more or less time to create the report. In the first case retrieving the data and building the document can be a tedious process but commenting on the information and ensuring the readability of the report is simpler. In the second case data collection is much faster but the pre built document may be less flexible and require workarounds for inserting comments.