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phone code for cyprus

Post by Ritu998 »

It has successively two rounds of recruitment for catering merchants and store explorers, highlighting the importance of Xiaohongshu's entry into the local life field. horn. Why does increase the layout of local life? What's next? The author of this article takes you to find out. At the end of April, the official account of local life business “Tuoshu” became very active,

And it released two rounds of recruitment for local catering businesses and store explorers. Various Netherlands WhatsApp Number actions show that in 2023, will sound an important clarion call to enter the local life field. Sure enough, in the next few days, users of Xiaohongshu in Shanghai suddenly discovered that in some coffee shop posts, they could buy coffee packages with one click. At present, in addition to the layout of Xiaohongshu in Shanghai, it has also started to test the water in Guangzhou. So why does Xiaohongshu increase the layout of local life? What's next? 01 Pilots in Shanghai and Guangzhou, Xiaohongshu set foot on the local life track In fact, from 2019 to the present, Xiaohongshu has been developing in small steps in terms of local life, and has never really cut into the transaction link of local life.


And this time, Xiaohongshu openes an official account relates to local life "Tuboshu", and made a post link, directly showing its ambitions in commercialization this year. So far, "Tuboshu" has mainly releases the content of the platform's recruitment plan for "merchants" and "talents". Merchant level: launch the "Food Power Store Program" to attract local catering merchants to settle on the platform. Merchants participating in the activity can enjoy 0 commissions, 0 deposits, and traffic inclinations; In terms of talents: the "Searchlight Project", a special support plan for shop-exploring bloggers, has been launches to provide guidance and assistance in terms of traffic and content to the talents who participate in the activities. Immesiately after the release of the plan, Xiaohongshu startes an internal test of the group buying project in Shanghai.
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