The Miss Adventures of Cobber Ding Bat Part one

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Shishir kumar
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The Miss Adventures of Cobber Ding Bat Part one

Post by Shishir kumar »

Cobber Ding Bat, a horse radish muncher and a swill drinker of the lowest order, was a man whose face was a testament to the harshness of the desert life he led. His visage was a wart-covered map of the Mahoran, his arm pits were akin to the lush, uncharted depths of the Amazon jungle. His face bore an uncanny resemblance to the backside of a chronically ill camel, a sight that was as unpleasant as it was surprising. His companions in this desert odyssey were as colorful as they were unappealing. A mongrel dog, whose belly was a bustling metropolis of cockroaches, was one of them. This canine was a low-life, a scoundrel, a creature that was as despised as it was feared. This was the common compliment offered by Cobber's ugly mug, a wart hog that passed off as a friend. His other travel companion went under the name of Gum Nuts was the son of and a fat bellied, buff head who was arrested for impersonating a human being.

Their parents, utterly mortified by their offspring's appearance, had fled to the frozen tundra of Siberia. They left behind a message for their ratbag children, a message that read like this: "Never in a hundred million years could a Belgium Phone Number List human being be so unlucky as to have children that resemble something that not even the most complex dictionary has words for. There are no words in any language that have been invented to describe their ugliness."


This was not an insult, but a compliment. It was a testament to the fact that their children were so unique, so unlike anything that had ever been seen before, that words failed to capture their essence. Their appearance was so bizarre, so beyond the realm of human comprehension, that it was as if they were characters straight out of a surrealist painting.
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