How to achieve quality? Phone Number List

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How to achieve quality? Phone Number List

Post by abdulhakim »

The last article discussed how to be thoughtful in interaction design , and this article discusses how to achieve quality, that is, high quality of interaction design. The Phone Number List words of one family may not be comprehensive or even correct. Welcome to exchange and discuss. 01 What is quality? First of all, what is the Phone Number List point of discussing this question? The author believes that there are two meanings: first, as users, we can use products that are easy to use; second, as practitioners, we can find examples to learn from.

With the meaning clear, let's go back to the question itself: what counts as quality? How to judge? Personally, I think that, like thoughtfulness, whether Phone Number List it has high quality or not depends on the Phone Number List subjective feelings Phone Number List of users. In the small needs involving the details of the experience, to avoid all inconsideration is to be thoughtful. It's about being thoughtful or not, and it's relatively easy. However, regarding the judgment of quality or not, the author has not found such a simple judgment.

So let's try another approach high-scoring films, such as Spirited Away, Life Is Beautiful, and The Phone Number List Shawshank Redemption, certainly have differences, but they Phone Number List also share some common characteristics (the protagonists are all facing great difficulties, but they are all hopeful) and goals, through various efforts to get out of the predicament). This is true of high-scoring movies, and so is high-quality interaction design.
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