This is where you teach the accelerated learning

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This is where you teach the accelerated learning

Post by JoYnSE33O44 »

This is where you teach. This is where you work. skills we talked about today. Tell us this. Who Should Consider It Involves What You Learn What The Super Learner Masterclass Super Academy is What Jonathan So about a year ago something changed and we decided we wanted to create the absolute best accelerated learning program money can buy. The result is what we call the Super Learner Masterclass. This is a week-long comprehensive plan. You can do it faster. You can do it slower.

But it's about a minute a day. Four to five times a week is about a week. Most Phone Number List of this minute is hey you're going to read email you're going to read newspaper in this specific way done. So it's not all about watching videos or anything like that and I don't want people to watch that many of my videos. Essentially it starts with a very strong core understanding of memory and memory techniques. So all these things I'm telling you about how to remember information numbers names how to store your information long term how to review it or like you said revise it in a way that you remember it forever because no mnemonic trick can help you.


Let it stay in your mind forever. You have to be smart about how often and how you review. Speed ​​reading and then go into speed reading. So approximately the memory is the speed of reading. Once you have the infrastructure in place you can go on to learn anything and of course most of what you want to learn is in a book although we did discuss a few things about how do I take on challenges such as Olympic weightlifting which is not learnable in a book.
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